
Include a gift in your Will

What a gift in your will to Grattan will do

By choosing to include a bequest gift to Grattan Institute in your will, you will be making a vital and lasting commitment to a better, fairer, and more prosperous Australia.

Your generosity will fuel Grattan’s independent, rigorous research and advocacy to:

  • Get the best value for public money and lift standards in public office
  • Chart a path for Australia’s economy and people to thrive in a net-zero world
  • Ensure all Australians can get high-quality health care and are supported to stay healthy
  • Ensure all young Australians can get a world-class education that sets them up for life
  • Build a more prosperous Australia with more equitable social and economic participation, access to secure and affordable housing, and effective and sustainable disability and retirement supports

As you consider this invitation, we encourage you to seek qualified legal advice to ensure that you achieve all that you desire through your will.

Important information

To include a gift to Grattan in your will, you or your legal advisor may need to know:

Grattan Institute is endorsed as a Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) from 6 Aug 2013. It is covered by Item 1 of the table in section 30-15 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997.

Legal name: Grattan Institute
ABN: 17 134 323 756
Address: 8 Malvina Place, Carlton, Victoria 3053

Writing your will

Your legal advisor can help you consider the most appropriate type of gift to Grattan Institute in your will. There are four main types of gifts you can include in your will:

  • Residual: A residual gift is the remainder of your estate after first leaving gifts to your loved ones and payment of any financial commitments, funeral arrangements, etc. This is one of the most common ways to include a gift.
  • Pecuniary or Specific: A pecuniary or specific gift clearly specifies the donation. It can be money, property, stocks, and/or shares.
  • Whole Estate: This comprises your entire estate and is usually left by those without family or other preferred beneficiaries, or those wanting to achieve something very significant with their gift.
  • Percentage or Fractional: This is a gift expressed as a percentage or fraction of your estate. Dividing your estate by a percentage or fraction takes into account the changing value of your estate which can occur due to factors such as inflation, property fluctuations, and changes to the composition of your estate over time.

Example wording

‘I [insert name] GIVE [the sum of] or [specified items] or [the residue of my estate] to Grattan Institute ABN 17 134 323 756 currently of 8 Malvina Place, Carlton, Victoria 3053, to be used for the general purposes of Grattan Institute.

‘I declare that the receipt of the Company Secretary or other Authorised Representative of Grattan Institute shall be a complete discharge to my Executors or Trustees.’

Helpful information

Personal circumstances can change, so it’s important to review your will every few years to ensure it still reflects your intentions.

We recommend you seek professional legal advice when preparing or updating your will, or when appointing an Executor/s, Enduring Attorney, or Power of Attorney.

Contact us

For a confidential discussion or for further information, please contact:

Ant Clark
Head of Philanthropy
0422 939 200