Our supporters
Endowment Supporters
$1 million plus over Grattan Institute’s life
Affiliate Partners
$100,000 plus annually
Senior Affiliates
$50,000 plus annually
Interested in joining our affiliate program?
If you are interested in our institutional affiliate program please contact Ant Clark, Head of Philanthropy.
0422 939 200
$25,000 plus annually
Boston Consulting Group
McKinsey & Company
Philanthropic support
APS Foundation
Berg Family Foundation
Corporate Tax Association
Cuffe Family Foundation
Dahlsens Building Centres Pty Ltd
Denbigh Foundation
Esctra Foundation
Gourlay Charitable Trust
Kestin Family Foundation
Lambert Bridge Foundation
Origin Energy Foundation
Scanlon Foundation
Stanford Brown Charitable Foundation
Susan McKinnon Foundation
The Caponero Grant
The Cuthbertson Family Fund
The Reed Family Foundation
Trawalla Foundation
Yarranabbe Foundation
Individual Support
Patrons ($5,000 plus)
Carol Austin
Tony Berg
Alan Finkel
John Funder
Alice Hill
Catherine Long
Frank Macindoe
Lindsay Maxsted
Ian McDonald
David Rickard
Jillian Segal
David Thomas
Lachlan Walden
Fred Woollard
Benefactors ($1,000 plus)
Bronte Adams
Jillian Broadbent
Graham Bull
Alex Chernov
Geraldine Doogue
Kathryn Fagg
Stephen Ginpil
Peeyush Gupta
Colin Hauff
Michael Hawker
Peggy Horn
Ian Kilgour
Mark Lawrence
Diccon Loxton
Alan MacKinnon
Ian Marshman
Janet Matton
Robert Mcdonald
David Penington
Joseph Roach
Peter and Joan Selby Smith
Allegra Spender
Annette Stewart
Adam Thomson
Tony Towler
Anne Twomey
Crina Virgona
Staff Secondments
Grattan Institute receives in-kind support from other organisations in the form of staff secondments. Currently, we have staff from the organisations listed below undertaking research work at Grattan. These secondments are managed so that no conflict-of-interest arises between Grattan Institute and the organisation employing the seconded staff.
Current secondments
The Treasury (Cth)
Department of Health (Vic)
Reserve Bank of Australia