The future of electricity demand in Australia

Demand for electricity traded on the National Electricity Market has fallen in real terms for each of the last three years and is now down almost 14% on 2008 projections. Why is demand changing and…


Demand for electricity traded on the National Electricity Market has fallen in real terms for each of the last three years and is now down almost 14% on 2008 projections. This seminar brought together experts in industry, academia and policy to discuss why demand is changing and how it is likely to impact the business of electricity.

Watch a recording of the event


Greg Borschmann
Environment Editor Radio National Breakfast

Panel Members

Mr Mark Collette
Group Executive Manager Energy Markets, TRUenergy

Mr Matt Zema
CEO Australian Electricity Market Operator

Mr Andrew Reeves
Chair Australian Energy Regulator

Mr Terry Jones
Business Development Smart Networks, SPAusnet

Mr Tristan Edis
Editor Climate Spectator

Prof Mike Sandiford
Director, Melbourne Energy Institute