“Professor David Penington has been appointed as the first Senior Fellow of the Grattan Institute,” the CEO, John Daley, announced today.
“Professor Penington is an outstanding administrator, scholar, and policy thinker, with many years experience in health, education and research policy.
His remarkable University career included positions as Professor of Medicine at the University of Melbourne (St Vincent’s Hospital) (1970-87), Dean of the Faculty of Medicine (1978-85) and Vice-Chancellor of the University of Melbourne (1988-96).
His contributions to debates on Medicare, AIDS, and drug use lie behind his reputation as a fearless and thoughtful commentator on some of society’s most difficult issues. He chaired the ‘National AIDS Task Force’ (1983-87), and the 1984 Inquiry into the Medicare dispute. He also chaired the Victorian Premier’s Drug Advisory Council (1995-96) and the Drug Policy Expert Committee of the Bracks Government (1999-2000).
“Grattan Institute is engaging some of Australia’s best strategic thinkers and public policy leaders to provide independent, fact-based analysis that assists public policy discussions and decisions. Senior Fellows will bring their experience and advice to Grattan Institute and continue to contribute to public debate.” John Daley added.
“As a Grattan Institute Senior Fellow, Professor Penington will add to public thinking on health and education policy as a recognised leader in these areas.”
“Personal fulfilment, social interaction and sustainability are the fundamental values underlying Grattan Institute’s research; hence our Programs on Cities, Productivity, School Education, Energy, and Water. Professor Penington’s extensive experience in health and education policy will add an important dimension to our thinking about human well-being that underpins these research areas,” he said.