
Leave a gift in your Will

Download our free Will guide

Why leave a gift in your Will?

When you leave a gift in your Will, it creates a ripple effect that makes a big difference. After looking after the needs of your loved ones, leaving a charitable gift (bequest) ensures that the legacy you leave behind is meaningful and aligned with the values you carried through life.

Grattan’s work has a real impact on the lives of Australians. Leaving a gift in your Will to Grattan will help us continue our important research.

Some of the ways your gift can help:

  • Identifying ways to lift living standards for our most vulnerable Australians in aged care;
  • Proposing practical action on climate change;
  • Improving teacher quality and student performance;
  • Pushing for integrity in politics;
  • Building a more equitable healthcare system;
  • Leading the debate on childcare, superannuation, housing, tax reform, transport, and migration.

In short, designing a better, fairer, and more prosperous Australia for our children and their children.

Important information

Grattan Institute holds Deductible Gift Recipient status and is fully tax exempt.

Important information that you or your solicitor need to include:

ABN: 17 134 323 756
Address: 8 Malvina Place, Carlton, Vic, 3053

Types of gifts

The following is a guide for you and your solicitor and provides basic information. It should not be taken as legal advice.

Types of gifts include:

  • A residuary or residual gift: made from the balance remaining from your estate once gifts of money and specific items have been distributed. This is a practical and valuable way to leave a gift in your Will to Grattan, because it maintains the relative value of your gift.
  • A pecuniary gift: a specified sum of money from your estate. The value of this gift may change significantly over time due to inflation.
  • A fixed amount: leaving a specific sum. This gift may need to be changed over the years to account for inflation and changes to your circumstances. It is likely to diminish over time.
  • A specified gift: leaving a particular item of value such as a residential property, company shares, or artwork.

Writing your Will

We recommend that you seek professional legal advice when updating and writing your Will. Your solicitor will be able to advise the best way to leave a gift to Grattan Institute.

Example wording

“I [insert name] GIVE [the sum of] or [specified items] or [the residue of my estate] to Grattan Institute ABN 17 134 323 756 currently of 8 Malvina Place, Carlton, VIC, 3053, to be used for the general purposes of Grattan Institute.

I declare that the receipt of the Company Secretary or other Authorised Representative of Grattan Institute shall be a complete discharge to my Executors or Trustees.”

Contact us

For a confidential discussion or for further information, please contact:

Ant Clark
Head of Philanthropy
0422 939 200