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Australia has around 130 higher education providers outside the university system. They are a diverse group, ranging from large multinational companies to small theological colleges to the TAFEs now offering degrees. Together they enrol more than 70,000 students.
These numbers could increase significantly in the future. The Commonwealth Government has accepted a recommendation of David Kemp and Andrew Norton, in their review of the demand driven funding system, to expand eligibility for government-supported tuition subsidies. If this passes the Senate, many of the students currently paying full fees in non-university higher education providers will pay much less than they do now. Public universities will face new price competition as they consider what fees they will charge in a deregulated market.
This Grattan Institute/State Library of Victoria Policy Pitch explored the nature of the non-university higher education sector, the implications for it and its students of receiving Commonwealth tuition subsidies, and the consequences for the broader higher education system.
Interested in delving deeper into this subject? We have prepared a reading list for you!
State Library of Victoria
- 1970’s – University fees will be dropped: Beazley The Age, 29 January 1973.
- 1990’s – The remaking of higher education is almost complete The Age, 25 March 1991.
- 1990’s – TAFE set for a transfusion The Age, 21 October 1991.
Grattan Institute
- Report of the Review of the Demand Driven Funding System
- Government announcement on the 2014-15 Budget
- Grattan Institute Report – Doubtful Debt: the rising cost of student loans
The Policy Pitch is a joint initiative of the State Library of Victoria and Grattan Institute to provide a public interest series on key policy themes. These free public seminars will offer lively, intelligent and thoughtful debate.