International Webinar Event - School education in the age of COVID-19

Teachers and students responded quickly and well to remote learning when the COVID-19 crisis forced the closure of schools. But new research suggests most students learnt less at home than they would have in the…


June 16, 2020 @ 12:00 am

Mother home schooling child with iPad

Teachers and students responded quickly and well to remote learning when the COVID-19 crisis forced the closure of schools. But new research suggests most students learnt less at home than they would have in the classroom – and that disadvantaged students fell further behind.

In this special Webinar, experts from the UK, the US, and Australia will discuss their latest findings and identify the extent of the ‘equity gap’. And as schools reopen and students return to the classroom, the panel will suggest ways to help our most vulnerable students to catch-up, and answer your questions on school education in the age of COVID-19.

A special event by Grattan Institute /Education Endowment Foundation / National Centre Education and Economy / RAND Corporation.

Event details
Melbourne – Tuesday 16 June: 9.30pm
New Orleans – Tuesday 16 June: 6.30am
London – Tuesday 16 June: 12.30pm

Register Here


Anthony Mackay AM is President & CEO of the Washington DC based National Centre on Education and the Economy. Anthony completed his time as CEO of the Centre for Strategic Education, Melbourne, Australia at the end of 2018. He remains Consultant Advisor to CSE and is Co-Chair of the recently launched National Project, LearningCreates Australia. He is also Deputy Chancellor Swinburne University, Melbourne,Board Chair of The Song Room,Board Director of High Resolves Global, Board Director of Schools Plus, Member of the AdvisoryBoard of the Australian College of Educators and Senior Fellow, Graduate School of Education, The University of Melbourne.

Dr. V. Darleen Opfer is Vice President of RAND Education and Labor and the Distinguished Chair in Education Policy at the RAND Corporation. Her research focuses on understanding the conditions that support improvements in teaching and learning. She leads the TALIS Video Study for the OECD that explores the association between teaching and student outcomes in eight countries. She’s conducted a longitudinal study, withJulia Kaufman, of teachers’ implementation of state standards and curricula. And, in 2014, she launched RAND’s American Teacher Panel and American School Leader Panel; nationally representative longitudinal panels to track impacts of education policies.

Robert Coe,  is Director of Research and Development at Evidence Based Education and Senior Associate at the Education Endowment Foundation. He was previously Professor of Education and Director of the Centre for Evaluation and Monitoring (CEM) at Durham University, UK, and before that a teacher of secondary mathematics. Rob is co-author of the Sutton Trust / Education Endowment Foundation’s Teaching and Learning Toolkit and the EEF’s DIY Evaluation Guide for teachers. He is lead author of the Sutton Trust report What Makes Great Teaching?, co-author of the Teacher Development Trust’s Developing Great Teaching report.


Julie Sonnemann is the School Education Fellow at Grattan Institute. Julie has significant experience in education policy and system design, and has co-authored several high profile reports on effective teaching, professional learning, equity and funding. She is a trained economist and has experience in government, research and consulting organisations.

We would like to thank the Origin Energy Foundation for their generous and timely support of this project.


June 16, 2020
12:00 am
Event Category: