Grattan Institute will launch its annual Summer Reading List for the Prime Minister, in Melbourne at the State Library Victoria on Tuesday 3 December.
Every year Grattan Institute releases a summer reading list for the Prime Minister. It recommends books and articles that the Prime Minister, or any Australian interested in public debate, will find both stimulating and cracking good reads. Grattan Institute’s Program Director for Budget Policy and Institutional Reform, Danielle Wood, joins Grattan Institute CEO John Daley in Melbourne to discuss how this year’s titles illuminate some of Australia’s most important debates.
Danielle Wood is the Program Director of the Budget Policy and Institutional Reform programs. Previously, Danielle worked at the ACCC as the Principal Economist and Director of Merger Investigations, as a Senior Consultant at NERA Economic Consulting, and as a Senior Research Economist at the Productivity Commission. She is the National and Victorian Chair of the Women in Economics Network. She sits on the Victorian and Central Council for the Economic Society of Australia.
John Daley has been CEO of the Grattan Institute since it was founded 11 years ago. He has published extensively on economic reform priorities, budget policy, tax reform, housing affordability, and generational inequality. He has worked at the University of Oxford, the Victorian Department of Premier and Cabinet, consulting firm McKinsey and Co, and ANZ Bank in fields including law, public policy, strategy, and finance.

This year we were proud to publish our list in partnership with Readings – an Australian independent retailer. The books can be purchased at any of Readings seven shops in Melbourne, or via Readings online.