State Orange Book 2018: Policy priorities for states and territories - Melbourne

Following the release of our State Orange Book 2018, this Policy Pitch event, featuring a number of Grattan Institute Fellows and Program Directors, examined some of the policy recommendations from ten years of Grattan Institute reports and…


Election season is looming. Voters in Victoria go to the polls within weeks; in NSW within months. State policy has rarely been more important. But what should the policy priorities be, not only for the governments in Australia’s two biggest states, but state governments across the nation? The upcoming elections are an opportunity to take stock of how Australia’s states are doing, where they going, and what state governments can do about it.

Following the release of our State Orange Book 2018, this Policy Pitch event, featuring a number of Grattan Institute Fellows and Program Directors, examined some of the policy recommendations from ten years of Grattan Institute reports and outline what state and territory governments should do to improve Australia.


Grattan Institute Fellow, Brendan Coates

Grattan Institute Fellow, Hugh Batrouney

Grattan Institute Fellow, Guy Dundas

Grattan Institutue Fellow, Hal Swerissen

Grattan Institute Fellow, Julie Sonnemann


Paul Austin, Editor, Grattan Institute