Dr Jordana Hunter is the Education Program Director at Grattan Institute. She has an extensive background in public policy design and implementation, with expertise in school education reform as well as economic policy. She has co-authored a number of Grattan reports on school education, focusing on education strategy and teacher professional learning. Her particular research interests are in approaches to designing government policies to support quality teaching and evidence-based literacy and numeracy instruction.
Jordana previously held policy roles in the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet, Victorian Department of Premier and Cabinet, and the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission. She has also consulted to Australian school systems, education service providers, and individual schools.
Jordana has a PhD from the School of Social and Political Sciences at the University of Melbourne and has presented her academic research at several international conferences. She also has an Honours degree in Law and Commerce (Economics) from the University of Melbourne.
Orange Book 2025: Policy priorities for the federal government
Australia could be on the cusp of a new wave of prosperity – provided our political leaders confront five long-standing domestic policy challenges.