Grattan InstituteĀ is delighted to announce the appointment of the Hon Alex Chernov AC, QC as chair of its board of directors.

Mr Allan Myers AC, QC, has retired after seven years as the foundation chair of Australiaā€™s leading independent think tank.

Mr Chernov brings to Grattan a wealth of experience in public administration and governance.

During a distinguished legal career he served as Chairman of the Victorian Bar (1985-1986) and President of the Law Council of Australia (1990-91) before being appointed to the Court of Appeal of the Supreme Court of Victoria.

Since retiring from the Victorian Court of Appeal, Mr Chernov has devoted himself to public life, serving with distinction as Chancellor of the University of Melbourne (2009-2011) and then as Governor of Victoria (2011-2015).

Grattan Institute looks forward to continuing its work under Mr Chernovā€™s leadership.

Grattan Institute would like to acknowledge the enormous contribution of Mr Myers to its establishment, growth and success over the past decade. In addition to his term as chair, Mr Myers as chair of the committee formed to establish a Melbourne based public policy institute, over a period of three years, played a central role in setting up Grattan Institute, helping to devise its corporate structure, to secure its original funding, and to appoint its founding senior officers.

Grattan Institute would not have emerged as an important contributor to Australian public policy without the energy and commitment of Mr Myers. The board, CEO, and staff of Grattan Institute are deeply grateful for his contribution to the Institute, and to Australia.

For further enquiries: John Daley, CEO
T. +61 (0)3 8344 3637 E.