Every year Grattan Institute releases a summer reading list for the Prime Minister. It recommends books and articles that the Prime Minister, or any Australian interested in public debate, will find both stimulating and cracking good reads. We are pleased to announce this year’s list: Why Australia Prospered – Ian W. McLean The Blunders of Our Governments – Anthony King and Ivor Crewe Average is Over: Powering America Beyond the Age of the Great – Tyler Cowen The Smartest Kids in the World – Amanda Ripley The Narrow Road to the Deep North – Richard Flanagan A Life Worth Ending – Michael Wolff (New York Magazine Article).
Governing may become a lot harder in the next 20 years, and our list of books and articles discusses some of the most pressing problems facing Australia. They include: how to maintain economic growth and keep people in jobs; rising health costs and the human, moral and policy impacts of an ageing population; the need to lift quality of schools in some vital areas; and, governing with purpose and clarity in an increasingly complex world.
Join us at one of our two launch events to learn what informed our choice of the works on the list, and what messages government can take away from them. Former Lord Mayor of Sydney Lucy Turnbull and Grattan Institute CEO John Daley will discuss how these titles illuminate some of Australia’s biggest debates. The events will be held at 6pm on Tuesday 3 December at the State Library of New South Wales, Sydney, and at the State Library of Victoria, Melbourne on Wednesday 4 December. This year we are proud to publish our list in partnership with Readings – an Australian independent retailer. The books can be purchased at Readings’ table at our Melbourne launch, any of Readings six stores in Melbourne, or via Readings online with free delivery anywhere across Australia.