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Election special: Policy priorities for the next Victorian government

As the 2022 Victorian election draws closer, our panel of experts will identify and dissect the big issues that should dominate the campaign and the agenda of whichever side wins.

At this special Grattan Institute/State Library Victoria pre-election event, Grattan CEO Danielle Wood and our policy specialists will discuss how the next government, whether Labor or Coalition, could improve the lives of Victorians through better policies across a suite of portfolios, including energy, climate change, infrastructure, transport, education, and housing. And they will take your questions on the policies that matter to you and your community.

Please note, this event will take place both in person and will be streamed online. 

Event partners


Danielle Wood


Danielle Wood is the CEO of Grattan Institute and also leads Grattan’s Budgets and Government Program. She has published extensively on economic reform priorities, budgets, tax reform, generational inequality, and reforming political institutions. Danielle previously worked at the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission, NERA Economic Consulting, and the Productivity Commission. Danielle is the former President of the Economic Society of Australia and was the co-founder and first Chair of the Women in Economics Network. She is a member of the Parliamentary Budget Office Expert Advisory Committee, the Australia and New Zealand School of Government Research Committee, the Commonwealth Bank CEO Advisory Council, and the PWC Future of Work Committee.

Marion Terrill


Marion Terrill is Director of Grattan’s Transport & Cities Program. She is a leading policy analyst with experience that ranges from authoring parts of the 2010 Henry Tax Review to leading the design and development of the MyGov account. She joined the Grattan Institute in April 2015 to establish the Transport Program, and has published on investment in transport infrastructure, cost overruns, value capture, discount rates and congestion. 

Brendan Coates


Brendan Coates is the Housing and Economic Security Program Director at Grattan Institute, where he leads Grattan’s work on retirement incomes and superannuation, housing, and macroeconomics. He is a former macro-financial economist with the World Bank in Indonesia and consulted to the Bank in Latin America.

Prior to that, he worked in the Australian Treasury in areas such as tax-transfer system reform and macro-economic forecasting, with a strong focus on the Chinese economy. Brendan holds a Masters of International Development Economics from the Australian National University and Bachelors of Commerce and Arts from the University of Melbourne.

Tony Wood AM


Tony Wood is the Director the Energy and Climate Change Program at Grattan Institute. Before that he worked at Origin. From 2009 to 2014 he was also Program Director of Clean Energy Projects at the Clinton Foundation, advising governments in the Asia-Pacific region on effective deployment of large-scale, low-emission energy technologies. In 2008, he was seconded to provide an industry perspective to the first Garnaut climate change review. In January 2018, Tony was awarded a Member of the Order of Australia in recognition of his significant service to conservation and the environment, particularly in the areas of energy policy, climate change and sustainability. In October 2019, Tony was elected as a Fellow to the Australian Academy of Technology and Engineering.

Jordana Hunter


Dr Jordana Hunter is the Education Program Director at Grattan Institute. She has an extensive background in economics and education policy, having held roles in the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet, Victorian Department of Premier and Cabinet, and the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission. Her research interests are in evidence-based policy design and implementation, and teaching quality. She has a PhD in public policy from the University of Melbourne.