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How to get better bang for our transport project bucks – Webinar
How to get better bang for our transport project bucks – webinar
DateWednesday 11 August 2021
Time12.30pm to 1.30pm
About 25 per cent of transport infrastructure projects in Australia end up costing taxpayers more than the government expected when construction started. Is this just a consequence of the inherent uncertainty of complex large projects, or are governments failing to drive a hard enough bargain on our behalf?
In this special Grattan Institute webinar, our panel of experts will identify ways taxpayers could get better value from major transport projects. Why have we entered an era of megaprojects? Are governments adapting their practices to this new era?
Please join this lively, informative online discussion. And please join in by sending us your questions when you register, or live during the event.

Bede Noonan
Bede Noonan is the Chief Executive Officer and a significant shareholder of ACCIONA’s infrastructure business in Australia and New Zealand with projects under construction of approximately $5.5 billion.
Bede is an experienced business leader with a passion for innovation and a focus on corporate strategy, business development and financial & systems management. His entrepreneurial approach to business through a combination of disciplined organic growth and carefully timed strategic acquisitions has positioned ACCIONA well to cement itself as the leading sustainable, reliable and trusted infrastructure partner in Australia and New Zealand. Bede is a board member of the Australian Constructors Association and was a board member of Master Builders Association of Victoria and the Piling and Foundation Specialists Federation.

Marion Terrill
Marion Terrill is Director of Grattan’s Transport & Cities Program. She is a leading policy analyst with experience that ranges from authoring parts of the 2010 Henry Tax Review to leading the design and development of the MyGov account. She joined the Grattan Institute in April 2015 to establish the Transport Program, and has published on investment in transport infrastructure, cost overruns, value capture, discount rates and congestion.

Chris Lock
Chris is an infrastructure professional with extensive experience in major projects. He is an independent director of McConnell Dowell Corporation Limited, and a member of two Dispute Boards on major Sydney transport infrastructure projects. Previously, as Chief Executive/Deputy Director General within Transport for New South Wales, Chris was responsible for the procurement and delivery of more than 400 projects.

Owen Hayford
Owen is a specialist infrastructure lawyer. After cutting his teeth in the infrastructure sector at Clayton Utz, PwC, and DLA Piper, he now specialises in providing expert strategic legal and commercial advice to infrastructure sector participants through his new firm – Infralegal. Those who follow Owen on LinkedIn will know he is a significant contributor of thought leadership on infrastructure procurement.

Matt Wade
Matt is a senior reporter and columnist for The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age, where he writes about economics, politics, and demography. He was based in India as a foreign correspondent for The SMH and The Age between 2007 and 2011. Matt previously worked in the Canberra Press Gallery as SMH Economics Correspondent, and before that covered consumer affairs and financial markets.