A conversation with the contributors to the Grattan State Orange Book 2018. State and territory governments can do more to improve the lives of Australians. In many cases, states are different because their governments adopted better policies. Every state should learn from the others and do better.
A timed guide to this podcast:
– 0:50 John Daley – What is the Orange Book, plus economic and regional development
– 22:30 Stephen Duckett – Health
– 33:00 Tony Wood – Energy
– 44:00 Marion Terrill – Transport and cities
– 55:00 Peter Goss – School education
– 1:02:00 Danielle Wood – Budget policy and institutional reform
– 1:22:00 Brendan Coates – Taxes and housing
– 1:39:00 John Daley – Final thoughts
Grattan reports referenced in this podcast:
Measuring student progress: A state-by-state report card
Remarkably adaptive: Australian cities in a time of growth
Who’s in the room? Access and influence in Australian politics
Mostly working: Australia’s wholesale electricity market
A crisis of trust: The rise of protest politics in Australia
Housing affordability: re-imagining the Australian dream
Unfreezing discount rates: transport infrastructure for tomorrow
All complications should count: Using our data to make hospitals safer
Designing a more reliable National Electricity Market
Towards an adaptive education system in Australia
Stuck in traffic? Road congestion in Sydney and Melbourne
Regional patterns of Australia’s economy and population