Report index

2010 I 2011 I 2012 I 2013 I 2014 I 2015 I 2016 I 2017 I 2018 I 2019 I 2020 I 2021 I 2022 I 2023 I 2024 I 2025


Measuring What Matters: Student Progress

Restructuring the Australian economy to emit less carbon

What Teachers Want: Better Teacher Management

The Cities We Need

Cities: Who Decides?

Investing in Our Teachers, Investing in Our Economy

Markets to Reduce Pollution: Cheaper than Expected


Australia’s Productivity Challenge

Learning the hard way: Australian policies to reduce carbon emissions

Better Teacher Appraisal and Feedback: Improving Performance

Investing in regions: Making a difference

The Housing We’d Choose

New Protectionism Under Carbon Pricing

What Matters Most? – A Grattan Working Paper

Getting the housing we want


Mapping Australian higher education 2012

No easy choices: Which way to Australia’s energy future?

Catching up: learning from the best school systems in East Asia

Social Cities

Game-changers: Economic reform priorities for Australia

Building the bridge: a practical plan for a low-cost, low-emissions energy future

Graduate winners: assessing the public and private benefits of higher education

Tomorrow’s suburbs: building flexible neighbourhoods

Putting the customer back in front: How to make electricity prices cheaper


Mapping Australian higher education 2013

Australia’s bad drug deal: high pharmaceutical prices

The online evolution: when technology meets tradition in higher education

Budget pressures on Australian governments

Productive cities: opportunity in a changing economy

Getting gas right: Australia’s energy challenge

The myth of markets in school education

Taking university teaching seriously

The mining boom: impacts and prospects

Keep the caps off: Student access and choice in higher education

Access all areas: new solutions for GP shortages in rural Australia

Renovating housing policy

Balancing budgets: tough choices we need

Poor Pricing Progress: Price disclosure isn’t the answer to high drug prices

Shock to the system: dealing with falling electricity demand


Turning around schools: it can be done

Controlling costly care: a billion-dollar hospital opportunity

Making time for great teaching

Doubtful debt: the rising cost of student loans

Unlocking skills in hospitals: better jobs, more care

Super sting: how to stop Australians paying too much for superannuation

Budget pressures on Australian governments 2014

The silver lining: cloud computing and small and medium enterprises

Fair pricing for power

Mapping Australia’s economy: cities as engines of prosperity

Dying well

Mapping Australian Higher Education 2014-15

Gas at the crossroads: Australia’s hard choice

The wealth of generations


City Limits: Why Australia’s cities are broken and how we can fix them

Super savings

Sundown, sunrise: how Australia can finally get solar power right

Premium policy? Getting better value from the PBS

Fiscal challenges for Australia

Property Taxes

Targeted teaching: how better use of data can improve student learning

Questionable care: avoiding ineffective treatment

University fees: what students pay in deregulated markets

The cash nexus: how teaching funds research in Australian universities

Fair pricing for Western Australia’s electricity

Super tax targeting

A GST reform package

Post Paris: Australia’s climate policy options


Blood Money: paying for pathology services

Chronic failure in primary care

Widening gaps: what NAPLAN tells us about student progress

HELP for the future: fairer repayment of student debt

Roads to riches: better transport spending

Climate phoenix: a sustainable Australian climate policy

Peer-to-peer pressure: policy for the sharing economy

Hot property: negative gearing and capital gains tax

Orange Book 2016: priorities for the next Commonwealth Government

Perils of place: identifying hotspots of health inequality

Mapping Australian higher education 2016

A better super system: assessing the 2016 tax reforms

Keeping the lights on: lessons from South Australia’s power shock

Cost overruns in transport infrastructure

Age of entitlement: age-based tax breaks

A sugary drinks tax: recovering the community costs of obesity

Circuit breaker: a new compact on school funding

Shared interest: a universal loan fee for HELP


Engaging students: creating classrooms that improve learning

Stagnation nation? Australian investment in a low-growth world

Cutting a better drug deal

Price shock: Is the retail electricity market failing consumers?

What price value capture?

Building better foundations for primary care

Powering through: how to restore confidence in the National Electricity Market

Regional patterns of Australia’s economy and population

Next Generation: the long-term future of the National Electricity Market

Stuck in traffic? Road congestion in Sydney and Melbourne

Strengthening safety statistics: How to make hosptial safety data more useful

Towards an adaptive education system in Australia

Competition in Australia: Too little of a good thing?


Designing a more reliable National Electricity Market

All complications should count: Using our data to make hospitals safer

What’s the best way to close the gender gap in retirement incomes?

The Commonwealth’s role in improving schools

Unfreezing discount rates: transport infrastructure for tomorrow

Housing affordability: re-imagining the Australian dream

A crisis of trust: The rise of protest politics in Australia

Down to the wire: A sustainable electricity network for Australia

Dropping out: the benefts and costs of trying university

Mostly working: Australia’s wholesale electricity market

Mapping primary care in Australia

Safer care saves money: How to improve patient care and save public money at the same time

Mapping Australian higher education 2018

Who’s in the room? Access and influence in Australian politics

Remarkably adaptive: Australian cities in a time of growth

Measuring student progress: A state-by-state report card

State Orange Book 2018: Policy priorities for states and territories

Money in retirement: more than enough


Keep calm and carry on: Managing electricity reliability

Filling the gap: A universal dental care scheme for Australia

Commonwealth Orange Book 2019: Policy priorities for the federal government

Budget blues: why the Stage 3 income tax cuts should wait

The history and purposes of private health insurance

Risks and rewards: when is vocational education a good alternative to higher education?

Generation gap: ensuring a fair go for younger Australians

Attracting high achievers to teaching

Australia’s energy transition: a blueprint for success

Power play: how government can better direct Australia’s electricity market

Why it’s time for congestion charging: better ways to manage busy urban roads

Right time, right place, right price: a practical plan for congestion charging in Sydney and Melbourne

Saving private health 1: reining in hospital costs and specialist bills

Saving private health 2: Making private health insurance viable


No free lunch: higher super means lower wages

Top teachers: sharing expertise to improve teaching

Balancing Act: managing the trade-offs in retirement incomes policy

Shutdown: estimating the COVID-19 employment shock

Start with steel: A practical plan to support carbon workers and cut emissions

Fast train fever: Why renovated rail might work but bullet trains won’t

COVID catch-up: helping disadvantaged students close the equity gap

Coming out of COVID-19 lockdown: the next steps for Australian health care

The Recovery Book: what Australian governments should do now

Cheaper childcare: A practical plan to boost female workforce participation

Go for zero: How Australia can get to zero COVID-19 cases

Prioritising a government’s agenda

Rethinking aged care: emphasising the rights of older Australians

The rise of megaprojects: counting the costs

Flame out: the future of natural gas

Reforming aged care: a practical plan for a rights-based system

Climate change and health: preparing for the next disaster


Women’s work: The impact of the COVID crisis on Australian women

Go for net zero: A practical plan for reliable, affordable, low-emissions electricity

The next steps for aged care: Forging a clear path after the Royal Commission

Megabang for megabucks: driving a harder bargain on megaprojects

Stopping the death spiral: creating a future for private health

Rethinking permanent skilled migration after the pandemic

Towards net zero emissions: practical policies to reduce transport emissions

Gridlock: removing barriers to policy reform

Race to 80: our best shot at living with COVID

Towards net zero: Practical policies to reduce industrial emissions

Dad days: how more gender-equal parental leave would improve the lives of Australian families

Towards net zero: Practical policies to reduce agricultural emissions

Towards net zero: Practical policies to offset carbon emissions

The Grattan car plan: practical policies for cleaner transport and better cities

Towards net zero: A practical plan for Australia’s governments

Unfinished business: practical policies for better care at home


Making time for great teaching: How better government policy can help

Orange Book 2022: Policy priorities for the federal government

How to reduce patients’ out-of-pocket healthcare costs

Fixing Temporary Skilled Migration

Roundabout, overpasses, carparks: hauling the federal government back to its proper role in transport projects

Migrants in the Australian workforce: A guidebook for policy makers

No one left behind: Why Australia should lock in full employment

The next industrial revolution: Transforming Australia to flourish in a net-zero world

New Politics: A better process for public appointments

New Politics: Preventing pork barrelling

The Grattan truck plan: practical policies for cleaner freight

New Politics: Depoliticising taxpayer-funded advertising

Ending the lesson lottery: How to improve curriculum planning in schools

A new Medicare: strengthening general practice

Australia’s migration opportunity: how rethinking skilled migration can solve some of our biggest problems


Tackling under-achievement: Why Australia should embed high-quality small-group tuition in schools

How to embed small-group tuition in schools: A guide for school leaders

Fuelling budget repair: how to reform fuel taxes for businesses

The Australian Centre for Disease Control (ACDC): Highway to health

How to implement a whole-school curriculum approach: A guide for principals

Super savings: Practical policies for fairer superannuation and a stronger budget

Back in black? A menu of measures to repair the budget

Short-changed: How to stop the exploitation of migrant workers in Australia.

Getting off gas: why, how, and who should pay?

Inflation and inequality: How high inflation is affecting different Australian households

Graduates in limbo: International student visa pathways after graduation

Sneaky salt: how Australia can shake its salt habit

Potholes and pitfalls: how to fix local roads

A fair shot: How to close the vaccination gap

Hydrogen: Hype, hope, or hard work?


The Reading Guarantee: How to give every child the best chance of success

Spreading success: Why Australia needs multi-school organisations

Keeping the lights on: How Australia should navigate the era of coal closures and prepare for what comes next

Sickly sweet: It’s time for a sugary drinks tax

It all adds up: reforming points-tested visas

Patchy protection: How to boost GPs’ patient vaccination rates

Better, safer, more sustainable: A practical plan for disability housing and support

A better bet: How Australia should prevent gambling harm


Simpler super: Taking the stress out of retirement

Renting in retirement: Why Rent Assistance needs to rise

Orange Book 2025: Policy priorities for the federal government